creating impact 

through public speaking

Karen Kunkel Young is a master storyteller and public speaker, bringing over two decades of media experience to the stage. She creates an interactive experience with tangible takeaways for the audience to apply to their lives, both in person and virtually.

Sample Keynote

boss moves:

I believe in playing all out. Career achievements don’t happen by just thinking about them--they require intentional action which becomes the driving force behind a transformative career trajectory. My formula for success is: Dreaming Big + Taking Action = Living Big. Taking action in your career and showing up consistently each day is essential for you to level up your career quickly and efficiently. Living big is envisioning what you want, breaking free from limitations that hold you back, and taking action to reach personal and professional fulfillment. Learn about my 9-Step Framework to Living Big in Your Career to achieve the success that you want.

living big in your career

Karen Kunkel Young Career Empowerment Speaker Charging What You're Worth


charging what you’re worth

Use Storytelling to Communicate Your Unique Value. Highlight how your services positively impact your clients. Are you saving them time? Making them money? Improving their health or quality of life? Demonstrating how you solve problems and deliver clear benefits for your clients is key to justifying the prices that they will pay.

Test Out Your Pricing. Conduct your own market research to determine if your pricing is too low or too high. Gather feedback during the testing phase to balance what you think you’re worth and what your clients are willing to pay. Remember, pricing is an experiment and is not set in stone. It can be adjusted as necessary, so embrace this flexibility to find the optimal price point.

Overcome Imposter Syndrome. Many people undervalue their work due to impostor syndrome, making it hard to set prices. Acknowledge that others may have different strengths but focus on your clients instead. Highlight the unique benefits and value you provide and let this guide your pricing to ensure it's a win-win for both parties.


“Karen lit up the room, and she gave us so many actionable tips that I can put into place right now!”

Susan LePlae Miller | Founder, Pieces of I & Strategic Advisor

“Karen’s SPEECH WAS ABSOLUTELY PHENOMENAL …ONE of the THINGs karen SAID THAT REALLY, really really STOOD OUT TO ME IS no one can be you… that actually gave me the boost to continue to be disciplined & focused. It just touched my heart so much.”

Sonia Chand | Psychotherapist

“i thought your speech was very empowering, I had goosebumps….i realized I want to live a big life!”

Lindsey Franklin | Marketing Manager, SchoolPlus

“I have had the imposter syndrome…but after listening to you, I feel I did something great, I did something that is special & unique to me that not everyone can do and that I have a story to tell”

Pamela Kyel | Author